This assistance is intended to finance receivables started abroad on forward sales of durable capital goods or consumer goods or services linked to foreign contracts. It also finances investments in fully export-oriented enterprises. Amount: The amount of the credit must correspond to the Tunisian integration share in the exported product.
Subject: This assistance is intended to finance projects eligible for this type of assistance, the cost of which, including own funds, does not exceed 80000TND.
Amount: 60% of investment in MTC, the remainder representing own funds and a government grant varying according to the amount of the investment.
Subject: This fund is intended to finance projects located in regional development zones as well as projects initiated by new promoters. The cost of the investment must not exceed 4 million dinars for the new promoter, the advantages are as follows:
a minimum capital requirement of 30% of the investment cost.
a minimum participation of 10% of the minimum capital on the SICAR's own resources;
a maximum participation of 60% of the minimum capital on FOPRODI resources for an investment share of less than 1 million dinars;
Technical assistance (70% of the cost of the study capped at 20.000D)
an investment premium equal to 10% of the value of equipment, capped at 100.000D.
subsidy of the land price to the extent of one third of the value.
the payment of the employer's contribution to the social security scheme during the first 5 years.
SOTUGAR insurance:
SOTUGAR insurance is a coverage mechanism to guarantee the credits and shareholdings granted by banks and SICARs to small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial and service sectors.
SOTUGAR coverage shall cover projects for the creation and extension of SMEs operating in industries or services included in the list annexed to the circular and requiring an investment cost, including working capital, not exceeding 4 Million dinars.
The medium- and long-term credits, short-term credits (list mentioned in BCT 87-47) granted to SMEs having started operations within the last 3 years at most, as well as participation in venture capital investment companies are eligible for SOTUGAR's intervention.